연구 소개

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  • 연구 소개

Design of Warship Simulation Using Variable-Chromosome Genetic Algorithm

  • AI융합대학
  • 2019-10-02

지승도 교수의 지능 시스템 연구실에서 발표한 논문 "Design of Warship Simulation Using Variable-Chromosome Genetic Algorithm"이  "Multi-Agent Systems" 2020년도 특집호에 게재되었다. 

논문 사이트로 이동


A genetic algorithm (GA) is a global search algorithm based on biological genetics. GAs are generally used for industrial applications, artificial neural networks, web applications, the defense industry, and so on. However, it is difficult to apply GAs to more complex situations because of the fixed number of chromosomes. In this research, in order to overcome this limitation, we propose a variable-chromosome GA with a chromosome attachment feature. Verification of the algorithm is carried out through anti-submarine high value unit (HVU) escort mission simulations. Ultimately, it is confirmed that the GA using the variable chromosome is more effective in dealing with highly complex missions, whereby the number of chromosomes gradually increases. 



[Figure 1] Overall methodology


the chromosomes organized by genes. These chromosomes, which are loaded on each model, are composed of 10 random chromosomes for the first generation. There are 10 chromosomes in an individual for the first generation, however, more or less than 10 chromosomes can be implemented via attachment after some generations have passed. Accordingly, it is possible to achieve flexible evolution, as the number of chromosomes is increased or decreased as necessary.



[Figure 2] Mission scenario

To validate the proposed methodology, wetested an anti-submarineHVUescort mission simulation. A submarine has firepower that is almost equal to a fleet. Thus, there are many warships that are required to cope with submarines. In this case study, we allocate warships, an HVU, helicopters, false targets, and an enemy submarine to create a complex warfare environment, as shown in Figure above The false targets are allocated randomly in every simulation, however, the warships, HVU, helicopters, and enemy submarine are allocated at fixed positions.